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在线 & 在校园
学者 / 商学院 / 市场营销


一个企业要想成功,它提供的产品或服务必须为潜在的买家所知. 营销决定产品, 设定定价策略, structures the distribution of the product and communicates to the channel members and consumers. 今天的营销人员试图找出是什么激发了买家的行为, what creates value in the minds of their customers and how to create messages that make their company’s offering the product or service of choice. 以营销传播为重点的课程, 零售管理, 消费者购买行为等等, our Integrated and 数字营销 graduates are succeeding across all marketing fields – from advertising and public relations to brand management and e-commerce.

Tiffin University’s BBA in Integrated and 数字营销  provides an integrated approach to the discipline. Emphasis is on the development and implementation of marketing strategies and on the effective use of the marketing mix.

从小处学习, 个性化课程, 你可以马上上你专业的课程, 学习最新的营销理论. 然后你就可以在“工作世界”的环境中应用你的知识, as you engage in real-world marketing and consulting projects that can be added as experience to your resume.

市场营销 faculty bring to the classroom both academic accomplishments and extensive marketplace experience in a range of marketing disciplines, 包括金融服务, 市场调研及国内外市场咨询. These real-world experiences and perspectives ensure that your marketing studies are kept current and relevant.

  • Consulting projects, pitch competitions and internships help you to 网络 and build your resume.
  • You’ll earn certificates throughout the program ­– you’ll leave with at least six certificates that complement your resume.
  • 你将参与广告方面的实际项目, 全球营销, 市场调研等课程.
  • 您将与屡获殊荣的教师一起学习,他们的教学和研究得到认可.
  • Opportunities for field trips to marketing-related companies will expand your real-world knowledge.
  • The TU American 市场营销 Association connects you to marketers across all specialties to collaborate, 网络, 获得实践经验,增强你的职业能力.
  • The TU 商学院 is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
  • 在Peregrine的全国标准化测试中, 在市场营销领域, 午餐商学院学生的平均得分为8分.比其他ACBSP学校的学生高出7个百分点.

This accelerated pathway allows you to take classes that count as dual credit towards both your BBA and MBA degrees, 让你有能力在短短五年内获得学士和硕士学位, 节省你的时间和金钱. 了解我们的MBA课程.

Learning the latest marketing theory provides you the lens for viewing marketing challenges and the framework for innovative problem solving. Through your courses you’ll gain an understanding of relevant marketing theories and the relationship between those theories and marketplace applications. 你也将获得广泛的交流, 批判性思维和解决问题的能力将应用于课堂和外部项目.

非常重要的是, 您将受到TU教师的指导和指导,他们拥有多年的行业经验. Our marketing professors have had leading marketing roles with domestic and international marketing companies and advertising agencies, 还有市场调研, 活动策划和公关公司. Having professors with industry practitioner experience exposes you to the actual application of marketing principles and the realities marketers face.


A marketing degree from Tiffin University will equip you with valuable industry knowledge and practical, 事业预备技能, 使您能够:

  • 理解并正确使用营销业务词汇
  • 制定营销计划
  • 选择和使用细分和目标策略
  • 进行公司内部分析
  • 分析公司的市场产品组合
  • 执行微环境分析
  • 执行客户分析
  • 进行竞争对手分析
  • 执行和衡量营销策略和战术的成功
  • 整合营销传播(IMC)策略
  • 提出一个营销计划和广告活动
  • 制定数字营销策略
  • 设计媒体营销方案

The TU marketing program provides many hands-on opportunities at every level for you to showcase your ability to present, 将你的新知识运用到真实的事物中. 你会参与合作项目, 你将在哪里与其他学生一起对一家公司进行评估, 宏观经济环境, 的微环境, 竞争者和他们的目标客户. You’ll complete a marketing research project as well as global research project – for real organizations and/or products. 你会经常被要求做演讲,这对营销人员来说是一项至关重要的技能. 和, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with professionals from the marketing field in our class speaker series.

实习是必不可少的. They provide excellent opportunities for students to experience the professional business environment and to relate their classroom learning to “work-world” goals, 流程和职责. TU市场营销专业的学生在各种各样的组织实习, 包括亚马逊, 迪斯尼, 马拉松石油公司, 杉点乐园, 托莱多泥鸡, 威利保险集团, MJ招聘人员等等.

  • 市场营销 students collaborate with community members in creating marketing and advertising campaigns.
  • Community members mentor students and provide them with real-world experiences and problems to solve and present.
  • 学生们曾与各种规模和行业的当地企业合作.
  • Seneca Country Chamber of Commerce supports and provides our students with a list of businesses that are willing to participate and help mentor our students.
  • 市场营销专业的学生学习世界各地不同文化背景下的市场营销实践.
  • 市场营销专业的学生被教导了解不同文化的必要性, 亚文化群, 影响群体, 家庭组成的变化和家庭角色的变化, 不同的生命周期阶段和不同的生活方式选择.
  • 与商业相关的俱乐部和组织提供了学习的机会, 在市场营销中服务并与他人联系, 商业及相关领域.


  • ACC228管理会计- 3小时
  • MKT252买家行为- 3小时
  • MKT253营销传播- 3小时
  • MKT332全渠道零售- 3小时
  • MKT354个人销售- 3小时
  • MKT370数字营销- 3小时
  • MKT402市场研究(w) - 3小时
  • MKT404全球营销- 3小时
  • MKT432社交媒体营销- 3小时
  • MKT434数字营销分析- 3小时

合计- 30小时

BBA总学时= 121

这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. 有关详细的注册和咨询信息,请咨询官方学术公报.


买方行为(MKT252) – This course introduces the basic processes of and influences upon decision-making by both individual consumers and organizational buyers, 以及这些信息对市场营销策略发展的影响.

营销传播(MKT253) – This course deals with operation and management of the advertising and promotion function with respect to both its positions within the marketing system and its relationship to the other business functions.

零售管理(MKT350) – This course includes discussions of retailing functions and management of retailing as a system. Emphasis is on understanding the external environment of retailing and on the creation of an appropriate internal environment.

个人销售(MKT354) 个人销售关注的是个人顾客,而不是目标市场群体. 要做到这一点, 学生销售人员将学习量身定制销售电话方法和演示, 谈判策略, 以及对特定个人和组织的服务规定. 鉴于专业销售岗位的独立性, 该课程还考察了动机, 时间管理, 道德问题.

全球营销(MKT404) – This course examines the increasingly global nature of marketing management and addresses the issues involved when organizations expand into the arena of international competition. Particular attention is paid to the differences between cultures and the importance of sensitivity to them.


在校园 -提供为期15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月

在线 -每学期两学期,分别于1月、3月、5月、7月、8月和10月开设

市场营销是发展最快的领域之一, and it’s not surprising when you consider the ever-changing marketing and advertising opportunities both in person and virtual, 以及不断增长的数据和营销分析能力,如搜索引擎优化和谷歌广告.

美国.S. 美国劳工统计局预计,从2019年到2029年,市场营销工作将增长6%, 高于所有职业的平均水平. 市场营销经理的职位预计将在同一时期增长7%.

Companies are looking for a new skill set in market hires prompting companies to look to marketing graduates to bring those skills to the workplace.

  • 广告及公共关系
  • 品牌经理
  • 业务拓展代表
  • 电子商务
  • 总经理
  • 研究生院
  • 市场客户主管
  • 市场分析员
  • 市场营销助理
  • 市场传讯经理
  • 营销总监
  • 营销经理
  • 市场研究分析师
  • 市场销售代表
  • 营销专家
  • 媒体买家
  • 业务经理
  • 新闻秘书
  • 产品经理
  • 销售经理
  • 销售代表
  • 社交媒体经理
  • 亚马逊.com公司.
  • 阿特拉斯的销售
  • Balreichs
  • 波音公司
  • 克利夫兰印第安人
  • 企业控股有限公司
  • 假日酒店
  • JHI
  • 摩根大通 & Co.
  • L-Brands
  • 马拉松石油公司
  • 微软
  • 全国互助保险公司
  • 老堡滩
  • 人民银行
  • 惠而浦公司





“当涉及到新事物时,任何人的头脑中都会有一点怀疑. 但对我来说,我认为证明那些说我做不到的人是错的是我最大的动力. 对我来说再也没有什么是不可能的了. The world is constantly changing and I feel like 我是 much more capable of adapting to those changes now compared to when I was walking on to TU’s campus for the first time.”

Hempy Water炒作视频2019 -由TU工商管理学院营销专业学生制作
" class="hidden">国语窝 " class="hidden">58同城桐城分类信息网 " class="hidden">华南农业大学珠江学院